“Story Time may be a child’s most powerful learning experience. Story Time is such a powerful tool because it builds language learning and literacy abilities, alongside cognitive and social-emotional development.”

  • Stories help your child learn about themselves and others.
  • Picture books are filled with rich vocabulary that develops your child’s oral language skills.
  • Reading a book together helps your child with critical life skills, such as sustaining focus and attention, controlling impulses, and developing social skills like empathy.

Young children know this instinctively and are drawn to storytelling and books, wanting to hear them again and again. When you sit your child on your lap and point to the pictures, make animal sounds, or recite favorite phrases, you’re making connections that last a lifetime!


“Our Language Immersion Spanish curriculum balances fun and learning while offering children opportunities to expand their language development.”

This language development window is between the age of 3 months and 5 years. Research has also established that there are significant benefits to exposing children to multiple languages at an early age and raising a child to be bilingual or multilingual. Children who are raised bilingual or multilingual tend to perform better in the areas of science, math and grammar.
Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world after Chinese and is the native language of 322 to 400 million people worldwide. It is also the second most commonly spoken language in the United States after English.
​The importance of having the ability to communicate in Spanish is ever increasing.